Namespacing and use statements in concrete5 5.7

The biggest difference when it comes to developing in concrete5 5.7, versus 5.6, is the introduction of namespacing. In this video I talk through some common cases where you need to consider namespacing and point out the patterns involved.

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How to manually upgrade concrete5 (5.7)

It's important to keep concrete5 installs up-to-date with new bugfix and security releases. In this video I walk through the steps we take to manually perform updates on 5.7 installs of concrete5.

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McLaren Vale Florist

The McLaren Vale Florist was ready to update their website to be mobile responsive and to also handle online orders. We utilised our new Snipcart ordering add-on for this project.

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Eadon Home Loans

Eadon Home Loans wanted to update the look, feel and functionality of their website and make the site mobile ready. The bold new design was created by Scott Hutton of Twenty20 graphics features multiple moving elements and visual build challenges

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eCommerce on concrete5 5.7 with Snipcart

We've recently launched to the concrete5 marketplace an add-on that allows you to easily add Snipcart eCommerce functionality to your concrete5 5.7 site. See our video for how it all fits together.

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Plenty Parklands Primary School website

Victorian school Plenty Parklands Primary School was ready to update their school website. They wanted a clearly navigable but visually fun website that would be easy to edit and maintain.

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Developed from the clean and bright design by Angus Hume of Front Design in Sydney, the Purasoft website showcases the Purasoft product range.

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The National Alcohol & Drug Knowledgebase

We were engaged last year by The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction to develop a web 'knowledgebase' platform, that they could directly populate with their research findings regarding alcohol and drug use in Australia.

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Thornton Group

Thornton Group wished to update their website's look and feel. Working with a new design created by Scott Hutton of Twenty20 Graphics we developed a full mobile responsive system, rich with style features.

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